
To list your non-profit group or club's events, send the date, time location and contact phone to P.O. Box 5426, Cleveland, Ohio 44101, or fax to 216-631-1052, or e-mail to calendars@chronohio.com. Each week's calendar shows events in the upcoming two weeks, plus selected later events. But it's never too early to send in a calendar item; listings for months into the future are posted on our web site www.gaypeopleschronicle.com. Deadline for each week's calendar is noon on Thursday of the previous week.

Wednesday to Saturday, April 18 to 21

Bridges to Tolerance: Confronting Bigotry in Good Medicine, women in medicine conference, national retreat for lesbian physicians and medical students, Paradise Point, San Diego, contact Box 09723, Columbus Ohio 43209, http://www.wimretreat.org, or University of Vermont Office of Continuing Medical Education 802-656-2292.

Friday, April 20

Yom Ha'Shoah, Holocaust memorial service, held by Chevrei Tikva, honoring the gay men, lesbians, Jews, and others killed, service 8 pm, oneg (social hour) follows, Unitarian Society, 2728 Lancashire, Cleveland Heights, 216932-5551.

Miriam Carey Book Signing, a singles mixer at the Cleveland Lesbian-Gay Center; Carey will sign copies of 365 Ways to Meet People in Cleveland, 5:30 pm, 6600 Detroit Ave, 216651-5428.

Friday to Sunday, April 20 to 22

Summer & Smoke, play by Tennessee Williams, Fri-Sat 8 pm, Sun 3 pm, $12 general admission, $8 students and seniors, Cleveland Public Theatre, 6415 Detroit Ave, 216631-2727.

Saturday, April 21

Month of Memories Benefit, dinner and a show to benefit Northern Ohio Coalition's funding of gay and AIDS groups, hosted by Erica Martinez, dinner seatings at 6 pm and 8 pm, show at 10 pm, Marshall McCarron's Tavern, 1743 Randall Rd, Cleveland, 216941-7825, http://community.cleveland.com/cc/ noci.

Game Night For Charity, sponsored by The Network lesbian professional and social organization, $3 members, $5 non-members, to benefit the Gathering Place, 7 pm, 375 N. Stonehaven Dr, Highland Hts. (Cleveland), RSVP by April 18, 440-962-3662.

Beach Party, to benefit Kaleidoscope Youth Group, $10, 8 pm, Wall Street Nightclub, 144 N. Wall St, Columbus, 614-294-7886, kyc@kaleidoscope.org.

Great Lakes Science Center, day trip sponsored by Girth and Mirth-Cleveland, meet at 10 am, group tickets $9.50, regular tickets $10.50, 216-556-5137 for details.

Nude Gay Swim and Gym Party, 7 pm, sponsored by Northeast Ohio Naturists, at Oaks Fitness Center, 21330 Center Ridge Rd, Rocky River (Cleveland); facility will be closed to the public during the party, 216-221-8293, neonline@hotmail.com.

Sunday, April 22

AIDS Memorial Service, sponsored by David's House, 7 pm, St. Mark's Episcopal Church, 2271 Collingwood Ave, Toledo, 419244-6682.

Salt Run Trail Hike, sponsored by Out and About Cleveland, 1 pm, 216-556-4832, clevelandoutdrs@aol.com.

Day of Remembrance Gatherings, sponsored by the Beacon Against Violence Initiative, Columbine and school violence gathering 6 pm, Holocaust memorial gathering 7:30 pm, Lamb of God Anglican Church, 501 East Broad St, Columbus, 614-473-1117, Beacon flwshp@juno.com.

Rebecca Gurney, domestic violence program coordinator for Buckeye Region Anti-Violence Organization, guest speaker at P-FLAG Columbus, 2 pm, 93 W. Westheimer Rd, Columbus, 614-227-9355.

Circle of Masks, kick-off of "Parade the Circle Celebration" at University Circle, 1 pm, maskmaking workshops, dance performances, Cleveland Museum of Art, 11150 East Blvd, Cleveland, 216-421-7340.

Monday, April 23

Insight Monthly Dinner Meeting, Clevelandarea LGB networking organization, 216556-0576 for information and reservations. Out in the Greek System, hosted by Shane Windmeyer, symposium on being gay in the sorority/fraternity system, 3 pm, free to Kent State University undergrads, $2 general public, Governance Chambers, KSU Student Center, tmashlan@ksu.edu, 330-672-2068, 330-


Pizza Party, sponsored by GLBT Student Services at Ohio State University, 6 pm, Rm 455, Ohio Union, Columbus, harker.17 @osu.edu, 614-292-6200, http:// www.osu.edu/sgss.

Tuesday, April 24

Murder Mystery Dinner, hosted by Dayton Gryphons, reservations required, reservations and $10 deposit required, Spaghetti Warehouse, 36 W. Fifth St, Dayton, cdougn@juno.com. Comedy Night, co-sponsored by Dayton Lesbian-Gay Center, featuring Jan Einerson, $12 advance, $18 door, Joker's Comedy Club, 8900 Kingsridge Dr, Dayton, 937-433-5233, tickets available at Q! Gift Shop, 1904 N. Main. Surviving the Loss of a Partner, discussion and film screening, for mental health professionals only, co-sponsored by Cleveland Psychoanalytic Society, 7 pm, Cleveland LesbianGay Center, 6600 Detroit Ave, registration required, Jane 216-921-2821, Judy 216651-5428.

Wednesday, April 25

All G-d's Children: Homosexuality in the Jewish Community, presentation by Rabbi Stephen Greenberg, the first openly gay Orthodox rabbi, reservations required, 7:30 pm,

Mayerson Center, Hebrew Union College,

3101 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, 513-469-1188 ext 123.

Women's Coming Out Group, first of seven weekly meetings, registration required, 8 pm, Cleveland Lesbian-Gay Center, 6600 Detroit Ave, 216-651-5428.

Happy Hour, sponsored by the Network lesbian professional and social organization, 6 pm, $10 members, $12 non-members, Nightown, 12383 Cedar Rd, Cleveland Heights, 440962-3662.

The Glop Throne, screening of independent locally-made film by Anthony Saladino, $10, pm and 9 pm, Cedar-Lee Theater, 2163 Lee Rd, Cleveland Heights, 216-533-7479.


Thursday, April 26

Scout's Honor, 6:45 pm cocktail party, 7:30 showing, 8:30 panel discussion featuring the director, $12 advance, $15 door, tickets available at Neon Movies, Q! Gifts, P-FLAG members, Dayton Marriott, 937-274-1776. Reflections on the Struggle, presentation by founders of Kent Gay Liberation Front (now Pride! Kent), 8 pm, Student Center Room 316, Kent State University, tmashlan@kent.edu, 330672-2068, 330-672-6355.

Complex Identities, presentation by bisexual activist Robyn Ochs, 7 pm, Riley Auditorium, Otterbein College, Westerville (Columbus), cosponsored by Stonewall Columbus, 614299-7764.

Thursday to Saturday, April 26 to 28 LGBT Film/Video Series, fourth annual event, presented by the Wexner Center for the Arts, cosponsored by OSU GLBT Student Services, information and tickets 614-292-3535.

Thursday to Sunday, April 26 to 29 Gay and Lesbian Bridge Tournament, held by the International Association of Gay and Lesbian Bridge Clubs, Washington Plaza Hotel, Thomas Circle, Washington, DC, http:// www.bridgeblossom.com, lambdawdc


Summer & Smoke, play by Tennessee Williams, Thurs-Sat 8 pm, Sun 3 pm, $12 general admission, $8 students and seniors, Cleveland Public Theatre, 6415 Detroit Ave, 216631-2727.

Friday, April 27

Coffeehouse with Trans Pride, 7 pm, information available on transgender health issues, free food and beverages, Cleveland LesbianGay Center, 6600 Detroit Ave, 216-651-5428. Asian Pacific Heritage Month Kickoff Party, 10 pm, donation encouraged, cosponsored by Asians and Friends-Cleveland, Cocktails, 1009 S. Main St, Akron, 330-376-2625.

Saturday, April 28

Fourth Annual Pride Dinner Dance, sponsored by Inside and Out! and the LGBO Office of Marshall University, $25 per person before April 22, $30 after, Four Seasons, 903 3rd Ave, Huntington, W.V., 304-696-6623, 304523-3121.

NEO Visions Annual Auction, to benefit gay and lesbian organizations, Hilton Akron, Quaker Square, Akron, RandR24@aol.com, 440582-1888.

Common Bond in Concert, from Washington D.C., $5, Lydia's, 1348 S. Arlington, Akron, 330-773-3001.

Sunday, April 29

Community Chat Night, sponsored by Black and White Men Together, featuring Deb Sharp of the Cleveland Human Rights Campaign, 7

Saturday and Sunday, May 5 and 6

"Notes of Courage: The Enduring Spirit of Women During World War II," Columbus Women's Chorus concert, 7:30 pm Sat., 3 pm Sun., $10 seniors and veterans, $12 advance, $15 door, Canzani Center, Columbus College of Art and Design, 614-878-3684.

Sunday, May 6

Soap Scum: The Next Generation, improv soap opera spoof, 8 pm, $5, Dobama's Night Kitchen, 1846 Coventry Rd, Cleveland Heights, 216-932-3396, http://www.dobama.org, dobama@dobama.org.

Station Road to Red Lock Hike, via the Buckeye Trail, 1 pm, sponsored by Out and About Cleveland, 216-556-4832, cleveland outdrs@aol.com.

NOCI Month of Memories Benefit, 6 pm, Leather Stallion Saloon, 2205 St. Clair Ave, Cleveland, 216-941-7825, http://community


Out in Columbus Awards, benefit for Columbus AIDS Task Force, featuring emcee Mary Ann Brandt, performance by HIS Kings, doors open 7 pm, Axis Nightclub, 775 N. High St, Columbus, 614-298-8100, http:// www.outincolumbus.com.

AIDS Walk, Central Ohio Walks for Life, 11 am festival andregistration, 1:30 opening ceremonies and warm-up, 2 pm step off, Bicentennial Park, Columbus, benefits 10 area AIDS agencies, jamessmith@catf.net, 614-299-2437.

pm, Cleveland Lesbian-Gay Center, 6600 DeHighlights of upcoming weeks

troit Ave, 216-651-5428, BWMT info 216226-3677.

Tuesday to Sunday, May 1 to 27

The Vagina Monologues, play by lesbian writer Eve Ensler, Little Theater at the Music Hall, 500 Lakeside Ave, Cleveland; 216241-5555, 330-945-9400 in Akron, http://


Thursday to Saturday, May 3 to 5

Summer & Smoke, play by Tennessee Williams, 8 pm, $12 general admission, $8 students and seniors, Cleveland Public Theatre, 6415 Detroit Ave, 216-631-2727.

Friday, May 4

Soap Scum: The Next Generation, improv soap opera spoof, 11 pm, $5, Dobama's Night Kitchen, 1846 Coventry Rd, Cleveland Heights, 216-932-3396, http://www.dobama.org, dobama@dobama.org.

Heritage Month Reception Kick-off, celebrating a month of events for Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, 7 pm, mini-film festival 8 pm, hosted by Asians and Friends Cleveland; Cleveland Lesbian-Gay Center, 6600 Detroit Ave, 216-651-5428.

Friday and Saturday, May 4 and 5 Corpus Christi, by Terrence McNally, 8 pm, Roadhouse Theatre for Contemporary Art, 145 W. 11th St, Erie, Penn., 814-456-5656. Saturday, May 5

Eighth Annual HRC Cleveland Dinner, grand reception, auction, dinner program, dance and party, AIDS Taskforce to receive Equality Award, $175; 800-494-8497, 440-779-6444, http://www.hrc-cleveland.org.

Law and Order: Special Improv Unit, spoof of the television show, 11 pm, $5, Dobama's Night Kitchen, 1846 Coventry Rd, Cleveland Heights, 216-932-3396, http:// www.dobama.org, dobama@dobama.org. NOCI Month of Memories Benefit, featuring a 50/50 raffle, 10 pm, Muggs, 3194 W. 25th St, Cleveland, 216-941-7825, http://


Racism and Homophobia, workshop sponsored by Out and Equal Workplace Advocates and National Association of Black and White Men Together, 8:30 am, lunch provided, registration required, Mount Auburn Presbyterian Church, 103 Wm. Howard Taft Rd, Cincinnati, 513-651-2500, lc3579@aol.com.

Girth and Mirth Cleveland Potluck, 5:30 pm, member's home, 216-556-5137 for directions and to RSVP dish.

For a detailed list of events extending months into the future, see our web site: www.gaypeopleschronicle.com Friday, May 11


Log Cabin Republicans Annual Dinner, second annual event featuring keynote speaker U.S. Rep. Deborah Pryce, cocktail reception pm, dinner 6:30 pm, $175, Capital Club, penthouse of Huntington Tower, downtown Columbus, 614-265-7535, lcrcolumbus @aol.com, http://www.logcabincolumbus.org. Monday and Tuesday, May 14 and 15 Leadership 2001 Conference, sponsored by the Ohio Department of Health and Ohio AIDS Coalition, featuring workshops, panel discussions, and presentations, free to first 400 preregistered applicants, lodging provided to those living with HIV and AIDS, Holiday Inn, Worthington (Columbus), 614-444-1683,800226-5554, oaconehope@aol.com.

Friday to Sunday, May 18 to 20

National Conference on Gender and Lobby Day, presented by GenderPAC, featuring NOW president Patricia Ireland, group discounts and scholarships available, Washington Court Hotel, Washington, D.C., NCG@gpac.org, www.gpac.org/NCG, 202-462-6610. Wednesday to Monday, May 23 to 28

International Gay Bowling Tournament International Gay Bowling Organization, Columbus; entry fee before April 1 $75, Ed Townsend 614-882-6072 or Jeff Lemert 614235-5267, JFLT1112@webtv.net, IGBO2001 @aol.com, http://www.IGBO2001.org. Sunday, June 10

Cincinnati Pride Parade and Festival, 11 am rally at Burnet Woods Gazebo in Clifton, stepoff 12 noon, festival 1 pm at Hoffner Park, 513766-2008 ext. 2098, 513-241-7003, http:// www.cincypride.com, info@cincypride.com.

Saturday, June 16

Cleveland Pride Parade and Festival, parade steps off from Cleveland State University, festival at Voinovich Park on Lake Erie downtown; 216-371-0214, http://www. clevelandpride.org.

Saturday, June 23

Columbus Pride Parade and Festival, postparade festival at Bicentennial Park on the Scioto River downtown; 614-299-7764; www.stonewall-columbus.org/pride/.

Sunday, July 29

Dancin' in the Streets, outdoor party benefits AIDS Taskforce of Cleveland, $15 advance, $20 at gate, 1 to 9 pm, Riverview Ampitheater, on the Cuyahoga River behind Tower City in downtown Cleveland, 216-621-0766 ext. 337; www.atfgc.org.

Compiled by Anthony Glassman'